feliz cumpleanos, cola gorda!

awww cola gorda! banksy! ashtanga yoga booty! julian plenti! paul banks! hot shiz! whatever moniker suits you these days, happy 32nd to you! being the giver that you are you even gave us an early birthday present in the form of a new interpol song! how thoughtful and exciting! i love the little ditty myself. this is why my angsty little heart beats a little less malaised these days! finally, you boys are getting your keesters in gear and getting a move on releasing the 4th album. now all that you need to do is announce tour dates and we will be set! love, your ever faithful mole patrollers! xoxo

if for some reason you didn’t know about the new song, you can get your very own copy of “lights” by going to their website here. plus they’ve got some cool space-y, tron thing going on with their emblem. interesting!  or you can take a listen below:

15 thoughts on “feliz cumpleanos, cola gorda!”

  1. I dig the atmosphere of the song. What can I say, I have a dark soul or something.

    Logo is strange, don’t care for it. Would just like to download the mp3 but nothing is HAPPENING wif dat.

    hi TIFFERS! Thanks for the updates. I’m starting to warm up to our lads again.


  2. hi anners!!! :) you and me both, missy! i can email the song to you – want me to? i heard the site has been having some issues. that blows! you had best be planning on a couch crasher for the sf show. plus i need to chat with you about something that i am doing and am requiring your participation whether you want to or not!!! ;) i’ll send an email shortly!


  3. I’m so glad they are coming back. The new song is heartbreaking.

    I actually forgot Cola’s bday.. what is wrong with me?? Maybe I have a life these days :D Oh well.. anyway, the new logo is quite bloody awful..


  4. yay aurora! so glad to hear :)

    minnie – i think so, too. it’s so amazing! crap, if you have a life, that’s means i don’t. which, unfortunately, stands to be the case!!! the logo is… something. not sure quite yet!


  5. The song is good. Not their best work, but it blows me away. About Cola’s birthday, I did remember it. So I don’t have a life as well. :D


  6. OMG! you have no idea – i was actually looking at my interpol poster the other day (yes, admittedly, i have one in my room) and it has gaius on it and i thought the same thing!!!! hahahaha! and how the boys probably miss the dog more than him as well!!!! :D


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