My Adventures at The Jimmy Kimmel Show

I didn’t get to meet Ashtanga Yoga Booty, but I’m sort of happy about that.  I was in a mood of sorts and I probably would have creeped him the phuck out.   So anyways, it was me and my little sissy and my older sissy at the show.  Older sissy was never an Interpol fan, so this was bound to be interesting.   She was real pissed about having to stand in line especially after working all day.   We waited in line about two and half hours but it was fine because there’s a Coffee Bean around the corner and that mess is delicious.

Anyway, standing in line wasn’t so bad!  The band came out and did sound check and it was very easy peering through the fence.   The band was not happy about the sound check process by the way.  Paul sounded irritated, and Sam looked pissed off pretty much the whole time.  But enough about that.  When they finally let us into the performance area, we had to stand up outside in the pit (a glorified parking lot, really) and watch a screen with the Jimmy Kimmel show being taped live in the building next door.

Sorry, but that shit was boring as hell.  I like Jimmy Kimmel and all, but that was the worst episode ever.  Ray Liotta and Jack Lalanne.  Um, no phucking thanks!  You know what would have been a good show?  Orlando Bloom, Shemar Moore, Michael Fassbender, and Interpol!  Ha.  Oh, and Stella found us.  Stella!   I was so worried she wasn’t going to make it.  Glad she did!

When Interpol finally came on after some asinine sketch involving Uncle Frank and Guerimo (how the hell do you spell his name?) and Vitamin Water, everyone turned into stupid arses and started pushing and shoving to get closer to the stage.

Here’s a clip of the performance in case you missed it.  They actually sounded much better live.  They played three songs after the recorded one and they all sounded really good.

By the way, it was very unfortunate that Banksy never  even looked at me.  But something else really  beautiful happened — Carrrrlos D. made eyes at me!   Woot!  Like, for five seconds.  Bytch has pretty eyes.

Anyways, like I said, no Banksy meeting.  I’m too much of a coward (boo hoo) to try to get a picture or a handshake (or a hug).  Or maybe I just don’t really want to, though.   I’m weird.  For those of you who think that Banksy is 5’10 – 5’11, you are prob seriously wrong.  I’m a pretty good judge of height and stuff and he’s probably 5’9 tops.   Sorry to burst your bubbles.  What’s wrong with 5’9 though?  Nothing.  He’s still the man!  His little bomber jacket was hot.  Damn, is he skinny, though.

I’m rambling!  If you have questions, just ask okay?  Bye.

* Here’s some random ass pics of Carlos D.   I think I have a crush on Carlos D. now, by the way.  Ha Ha.

interpol-12.jpg    500276009e89408869dzp9.jpg

Author: Anners Scribonia


28 thoughts on “My Adventures at The Jimmy Kimmel Show”

  1. Hi Kelly! No, he ain’t. He cheered up later, though. Or tried to. He smiled a lot — especially when it was over, but I think it was just that he was so happy that it was all over.


  2. You know I think it is sad that as grown women we have to hide our crushes!! Or is it sad that as grown women we have such crushes?? lol


  3. I love the ladies of this blog! Anyone know why Sam shaved his hair? Head lice?
    Anners–I think Banksy and Carlos D. played that particular song just for you.


  4. Been following your blog for a while now, much more entertaining than the boring stalkers on the official ‘pol-board, keep bashing!
    And yeah, feel for u for being too coward to crash all over Banksy after the show. Isn’t it beyond our dignity… If he wants ya he has to come and get ya!


  5. Glad it sounded better live than on tv.
    Anners- you got the “eye” from D.? – oh, very good!
    And thanks for settling the height argument – I agree with you that he is 5’9″ – he isn’t a big guy, but he’s definitely taller than Daniel.
    Lucky you getting to see the AYB two times so close together!


  6. Anners, I bet you are hot as hell and you should have been one of the ones pushing towards the front. I’m short, so I have to. Why do you always proclaim that you are in a foul mood? If I was in line for two and a half hours you would turn around and scream ‘Shut up,____’ (insert favorite name for women).
    yeah, guys in bands and their height. I remember years ago standing right in front of Adam Duritz and all I kept thinking was how short he was.


  7. oow, I’m so disappointed!
    By the way..what happened to Paul’s hair? New 100% polyester haircut (do not iron, cold wash only)? Licked by a cow? Doesn’t Capitol provide a hairdresser for this guy? Or is it all about panthers and lions and sharks and bulls on covers and stuff?

    However, it’s not fair to make fun of this guys for their looks (beacuse carlos is always superb, and kessler always makes me laugh when he falls down on his ass). Music is the only thing that really matters to me (and the only thing Interpol are taking care not to do these days).


  8. OMG that was so much fun!
    and stop anners, you are not all sorts of fug! u and yer sister are so cute, i wanted to see more ass shaking. but then again, i was too entranced by paul’s gaze. i caught all the boys eyes.
    Paul sounded very tired. you can tell that they have been performing too much lately. but paul was so cute and they kept smiling the whole time.
    and carlos is kinda cute eh? i think they ar all very good looking!


  9. * Tina: Are you ‘sister in mofo’ Tina? Hi there. : )

    * Hi Magnolia! Yes, they wrote that song just for me. I luv the ladies of this blog, too. Brilliant, all of them. I like Sam’s short hair.

    * Janers and Stella: Sorry. Hope you don’t think I was phishing for compliments. Just being silly. Stella, Carlos is cute. We both majored in History too. Cool beans.

    * Harley: Adam Duritz went to a family friend’s wedding in Berkeley. Weird!

    * Charlieeze — don’t make me laugh. Yeah, a cow licked his head. Hahahaha. You’re being far too critical just because you’re in a band yourself, missy. : )

    * Thanks Romy! I agree. I’m delusional, but I agree.

    * Hi D. Solrac. I got the eye!

    * Afro: Hahahahahhahaha. I am in love.

    *** Damn, I hope I didn’t miss anybody’s comment! Thanks guys!


  10. Adam was a family friend’s wedding? Man, now you are hiding toooooo much information from us…


  11. HI!!! Well stella i agree with you they are all very good looking but my favorite still is Mr. Paul Cola Gorda Banks!! So cute :)

    I just send the pics of that slag Abbey hoppefuly Anners put them today jaja ok anners tomorrow.


  12. Ms. Trouble, I know Anners does that self-defecating shit all the time. I haven’t seen her, but I bet she is gorgeous. I like her attitude though, because chics aren’t my thing. Menz…sexy menz, I loves them. Stella, I know she isn’t lame and the reason I know is because she got me loving to read about celebrities because of her sweetness. She rocks.


  13. Anners: OMG I know jaja now I use that word thanks to this blog :) Thanks Anners I´m learning a lot of english.


  14. *harlequin: ditto!
    *anners: i found me bobbing head in the crowd in the “heirich” video. i’m at -2:19


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