Cola Gorda: Games For Days

Julian Gorda Cola Plenti has a real video out right now.   Stella linked me up because she’s cool like that and so on.   I figured there was some Cola Gorda news stirring because I noticed that some old and dear Cola Gordian-era slags had stopped by the blog: fair-weather bytches the lot of ’em.  I tease.   

I often wonder about the Cola Gordians.  Whither have they gone?   Are they happy? Are they eating three square meals per day and taking their Phlinstones vitamins?     

I also noticed on Tiffers’ facebookage that Cola Gorda plans to tour in support of this album.   I’m cool with the San Francisco or L.A. dates.  We should all show up with our t-shirts.

Back to the video.   It’s for the song called “Games for Days”.  I can dig that.   Cola looks surprisingly comfortable on film.   I don’t want to shag him, though, or anything.

Author: Anners Scribonia


12 thoughts on “Cola Gorda: Games For Days”

  1. I DO I DO ID DOOOO AHHAHAH. i realy dont like that facial hair that he has now. i love him more shaved but whatever i think that video is HOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTT
    & i love the album and all that ♥♥♥♥


  2. I too dislike the facial hair, but in some scenes he looks more like the old and younger him (minute 2:22, for example)


  3. There’s no denying, that shit is hot, Anners! I’m terribly lazy these days & apologize for my absence. I thought for a quick minute that you weren’t bloggy blogging anymore. I see I was wrongers.

    Missing you plenti,


  4. fooking hot!
    i’ll shag that cola any day…i like that he has the young paul haircut as opposed to that horrible long shag he was sporting for awhile.
    is it true him and the cougar are through?.. i need some proof.


  5. i think he looks gorgeous! actually my love for banksy came back :)
    he looks really cute with his new haircut
    it remains me the old him :)
    hot hot hot


  6. good old cola! thanks to him, i am still eating my vitamins.

    isabel: i love the haircut as well, especially with the glasses B-)

    stella: cola thanks her on the list of “champions” (comes with the album), and i read an article/interview, dating a few days back, where she was still named as his girlfriend.


  7. It took a while for me to finally see this thing, but wow. I am so not a Paul girl (though I am going to see him as JP at the Gugg) but even I found “Evil, Black-Shirted Paul” pretty hot in this vid, even if I must agree that he desperately needs a shave. Btw, Anners, srsly, your Paul posts crack me the eff up, so keep ’em coming. :)


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