
Okay. So, I am deleting this blog once and for all soon.

So long and farewell.  :)

****  ETA:

Sorry about the dramatic sphinxian post back there.
I suppose that I thought it would be  nice to at least warn a bytch that I was going to delete the blog before I did, but then I never got around to it.  So all in all, I end up looking like a moron.  Yet again.  (Neely, I have separation anxiety issues as you so correctly pointed out.)The blog will remain so long as wordpress allows it to; I just won’t be posting anymore.Thank you for your kind comments and visits over the years!God Bless the Whorely Trinitas (and Jane and Tiffers and Cait)!  God Bless Poor Orlando (who cracks me up and says the sweetest things to me), Slappar,  icky-poo, Ducati ( and all else linked to Delphi in some manner).  God Bless Rachel. I want to name everybody, but that seems a little wonky.   If you visisted here often and made yourself known, you were appreciated (DINGO excluded).Last  but not least, God bless Anonymous Coward (even if the Anonymous Coward doesn’t believe in a God)!  Because he/she is a sweet and intelligent person.  And a mystery!*** I phorgot to mention SadieJo!   God Bless SadieJo!Ciaooooo.   I leave you with this parting shot of my lover, Ben Barnes.

Phuck you, Whorelando Bloom.

Author: Anners Scribonia


14 thoughts on “Greetings!”

  1. I understand, Anners. Thanks for all the laughs you brought us. Maybe you can start it back up again when they divorce!!!


  2. I am very sorry to see you go, thanks for everything. I will check out that other place because I love your writing.


  3. Why delete all of this?
    Let it stay and allow it to baffle, amuse and infuriate people who might stumble upon it in the future. Even if nothing new is ever added.

    But if not…
    Well, thank you! And godspeed.


  4. Anners:

    Don’t ever leave. I don’t know what I’ll do when I open up my computer and KateBlogsworth is not my homepage.

    We’re all older now and I guess over Orly, but during the dark days, I don’t know what depression I would have sunk into if it wasn’t for your brilliant ramblings about “Whorelando” and the “Dingho”. You made me laugh so much and because of you, I didn’t take it all so seriously. Laughter will save the world. You should publish a book with all the Orlando posts on this blog. I would buy it in a heartbeat.

    I wish you nothing but the best in life. You deserve it. You have a brilliant mind and are a talented writer. Thank you for everything.

    Oh, did I say, don’t leave? There’s the black/asian/mideastern baby to rejoice over when it’s born. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the head? I fantasize about it. White as rice Orlando Bloom watching a not-so-white baby coming out of Mirandho’s unmentionable. Orly’s mouth drops open, he says, “Bloody Hell!” then storms out of the hospital, kicking over trash cans, jumping on his motorcycle, riding into the sunset and never speaking to the beaaatch again. Then, his career takes off and he’s the hottest actor on the planet once more. Aaaaah, perchance to dream.

    Love you, Anners! You created a whole new world for me to live in. God bless you!

    Love, Poor Orlando.


  5. Aww, Anners! I’m late to the party (as usual), but I’m SO sad to hear you’re planning on closing the site! :( There’ve been lots of good times here!

    I wish you luck in all future bloggings!


  6. GD – this blog keeps deleting my comments! That one was really long too.

    Anyway – How are you Anners? What are you up to now? Have you finished grad school?

    Sorry I haven’t been visiting much – my job is crazy. I really miss all the free time I had back in my student days.

    You’ll still be blogging comedy right? You have a gift for making people laugh :)


  7. Ok Anners just DO it all ready!!! Jeez, cut those apron strings. If you’re going to delete it then go ahead & hit the DEL key.


  8. anners, thanks for making me laugh so so so many times

    I’d be in favour of you not deleting the back posts – brilliance shouldnt be hidden :)

    But of course you’re call!


  9. Whew what a relief you’re not going to delete it! Have spent many hours saving some of the oldest posts – gosh you were hilarious… Thanks for all the laughs. Sorry that OB, his missus, and the spawn have ruined it all for you. (and the rest of us slags!)


  10. Anners, I have to put a belated vote in (grad school is busy, as you know) for you not to delete this blog. If nothing else, then posterity is a good reason. You’ll look back and think you were a funny b*tch, I assure you. I laughed so much reading your posts that I can’t believe I’ll come back here and not see a new post on our fave Interpol gothtards, or lovely boys like the beautiful Mr. Barnes. So let me give you the online version of a standing ovation, in the hopes that you will give us an encore every once in a while.


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