
Okay. So, I am deleting this blog once and for all soon.

So long and farewell.  :)

****  ETA:

Sorry about the dramatic sphinxian post back there.
I suppose that I thought it would be  nice to at least warn a bytch that I was going to delete the blog before I did, but then I never got around to it.  So all in all, I end up looking like a moron.  Yet again.  (Neely, I have separation anxiety issues as you so correctly pointed out.)The blog will remain so long as wordpress allows it to; I just won’t be posting anymore.Thank you for your kind comments and visits over the years!God Bless the Whorely Trinitas (and Jane and Tiffers and Cait)!  God Bless Poor Orlando (who cracks me up and says the sweetest things to me), Slappar,  icky-poo, Ducati ( and all else linked to Delphi in some manner).  God Bless Rachel. I want to name everybody, but that seems a little wonky.   If you visisted here often and made yourself known, you were appreciated (DINGO excluded).Last  but not least, God bless Anonymous Coward (even if the Anonymous Coward doesn’t believe in a God)!  Because he/she is a sweet and intelligent person.  And a mystery!*** I phorgot to mention SadieJo!   God Bless SadieJo!Ciaooooo.   I leave you with this parting shot of my lover, Ben Barnes.

Phuck you, Whorelando Bloom.

Woo Hoo

I would just like to thank the fine citizens of California for getting the repubs out of the governor’s castle.    That bytchface Swarzenegger has not o nly ruined the state, but also my eardrums,  my bank account (in the form of annual school fee hikes), and my LIFE. 

Prop 19 should have passed… boo….

And yay!   Carly Fiorina phucking lost!     

Okay, going away now.

July is a good month for ephing around



Because I was curious, I did some digging into how our lady of phuckery, Whorelando Bloom, came to be vested with an honorary degree.  Why, I wondered, was the University of Kent feeling so bloody charitable? Could it be that someone nominated Whorelando? Could it be that Whorelando nominated himself? Could he have possible donated some bones to the renovation of the Marlowe Theater?  
Ah, who knows and who KERRS?  
For fiction’s sake, this is how I like to envision the trajectory:   Whorelando Bloom got bored one day and typed “I want a phucking honorary degree” into his search engine.   The following information in the form of steps came up.  Whorelando reacts to the steps and so on…


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